Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Palin's Clothes

On Sunday I was watching "CBS News Sunday Morning" and the outspoken Nancy Giles did a piece on how we women love shopping for sales. But the piece somehow only talked about Sara Palin's clothes--the $150,000 that the Republican Party spent to dress Governor Palin and her family. Only she didn't talk about the family only Governor Palin. It turns out that the next day on the CBS early show they interviewed the proprietor of the consignment store in Alaska where Governor Palin does most of her shopping. Consignment! That's not sale shopping?

I have absolutely no problem with the Republican party using my $25.00 donation for Governor Palin's wardrobe. She hasn't been around national politics long enough to have amassed a fortune like the majority of the Washington insiders. I wonder where the Obama's got all their clothes?

Nancy Giles manages to come up with pieces every week or so that knock Republicans, whites, conservatives, and Bush in particular in the guise of something else. Apparently CBS approves of this. I don't!

Until next time...Please forward. I welcome all comments.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe Biden

On Sunday, speaking to a crowd, Joe Biden brought up the scenario that within six months of being elected, Obama would be tested by the international community. He said, "Mark my words it will not be six months before the world tests him." Also, he said, "Watch, we're going to have an international crisis to test the mettle of this guy!" And he begged the crowd to remember what he said and remain standing with Obama when it happens.

Folks, this is scaring me. What's going to happen? A dirty bomb? Russia forcing us to support one of our allies in Europe? Chavez in Venezuela? Cutting off our oil imports? Bombings in this country by terrorists? You fill in the blanks. Is this what we should expect after Obama is elected? Is he going to say, "Oh, please, can't we just sit down and talk it out?" Those are the statements he's made. He'll sit down with our enemies who want to kill us all. It begs the question--where do his loyalties really lie?

Please think long and hard about what is best for this country before you vote. You will be getting CHANGE and it won't be what you expect.

Until next time....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grit and Determination

This Tuesday on my way to work, I drove past a neighbor down the street as she pulling weeds in her yard. On Wednesday, I saw her washing clothes in her shed. This neighbor is quite active entertaining her friends for cards, spending time on her computer, tending to her finances and keeping a spotless house and person.

The thing you need to know about this neighbor is that eight years ago she had a devastating stroke that left her paralyzed on her right side. She does all the cleaning, weeding, laundry, cooking, and taking care of her personal habits with the use of her left arm only and sitting in a wheelchair. Other than her daughter and son-in-law helping with shopping and hairdo needs she may have, she does everything by herself.

This woman is my mother and I can't tell you how much I admire her grit and determination to remain independent at the age of 87 and handicapped. Her spirit is ageless and unfettered! Everyone should have a role model like her.