Thursday, September 18, 2008

This and that

I heard on the radio today that some vicious person(s) hacked into Sarah Palin's personal email and posted it on the web. No doubt a rabid Obama supporter trying to slime the governor. They are very afraid. She has tipped the scales in favor of McCain and they are wetting themselves. How often did you see screaming crazy conservatives outside Obama's convention. None?! But nutsy liberals were in attendance at the McCain convention.

I've recently talked to an Obama supporter and he brought up something confusing to him. He said he didn't understand his Republican friends--they were spending so much time and money on needy causes. I remarked that maybe it's because they were republican and conservative that they behaved that way. He stopped and thought for a moment and then said I might be right because liberals want government to do it all. Bingo! I hope he thought it over and raised his opinion of us conservative republicans a little.

I'm supporting a good cause by sewing Christmas stockings and donating money to Operation Shoebox in the Villages. Maybe next time I'll figure out how to send a link. The boys and girls fighting in Iraq and Afganistan so appreciate anything we can send them. I'm honored to do my small part in making their life a little more comfortable.

Hubby is taking me on a hot date tonight. We are going out for salad, entree, and dessert at Cici's Pizza. He's lucky because I'm such a cheap date--I don't drink and don't care much for meat dishes. Cici's is good for me, how about you?

Until next time---

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cici's is Theresa's favorite place to eat. I'm a cheap date too, salad and a water usually. Have a good weekend mom!