Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Where should I begin... Am I not remembering right? The only problem we had just a few months ago was the high price of gas and that was causing a downswing in the market, and now all of a sudden we are headed for a depression unless we legislate a ginormous bail out of the entire mortgage industry. Can't we step back, take a breath and just take a longer look at the problem before we get into a huge new government program. We all know how well the government does things--the only thing government is good for is spending more money than it brings in. I am very opposed to bailing out every new homeowner that bought more than they could afford or the new homeowners who's credit and financial standing were so bad they should not have been given a mortgage to start with.

Until a few years ago, we all worked hard, saved our money and built up our credit to gain approval for a mortgage. When did it all change? Now its every person's right to own their own home whether they can make the payments or not. And now the democrats are talking about bailing them all out. We will be making their payments for them through government programs.

I reread the blogs before I send them out and don't see any grammar or spelling problems at the time, but later when I read them again after they've been published, I always find one. How about you, have your seen my goofs? I have more thoughts, but have run out of space--til next time.

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